Techtonica Database - Techtonica-Calculator
General Please enter the amount of power you want to calculate.
Additional you can decide which type of generators you have unlocked and if you like to include the existing Power-Station-Strucutres into the calculation.
Also theres an option for definition of the avaiable Techtree-Upgrades refering to power-output.

If you select "All avaiable Generators" you will get different Variants of calculation based on the different generator-types.

label_important Calculators label_important Power Calculator
Required Power:
Power Generators to use:
Include existing Elements in Power Station:
Are Tech-Tree-Upgrades avaiable:
yes, PowerAmp II (110%)
yes, PowerAmp III (120%)
yes, PowerAmp IV (130%)
For creating 0 kW of power using ,
not including the existing structures at the Powerplant and
using from the Tech-Tree will result in following possibilities: