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ANEXCAL Botanical Report - Subject A-48
The similarity of A-48 in shape, color and texture to a common maple leaf has made it perhaps too comforably familiar for many of us - this report is to remind all of you that, despite its appearance, A-48 can be an extremly dangerous organism to handle closely. As you know, the edge apex thickness of the organism has been measured at approcimately ~0.03 microns, meaning that it is sharp enough to cut directly through any hand covering besides the work gloves dound on your UNIHAZ. In other words, treat every sample of A-48 you have in the lab as if you were a groundbreaker doing somersaults through a field of them: Soui on, fully locked off, no exceoptions. These things will take your hand off without breaking a vein. Sincerely, Lt. Terence Davies (HORNET) ANEXCAL Scientific Command |