label_important Knowledgebase label_important Scanable HDD's
Most technologies from the Tech-Tree are only available after unlocking them by scanning a hard drive.
An overview of all available hard drives and their position on the map can be seen here.
label_important Knowledgebase label_important Facilities
Apart from the well-known LIMA and VICTOR terminals, there are many other abandoned facilities on Calyx.
Most of the time, new, helpful technologies are hidden in these remnants of bygone times,
but access to them is usually made somewhat difficult by locked doors.
Nevertheless, exploring these localities is definitely worth it!.
label_important Knowledgebase label_important Chests
Attentive Groundbreakers will no doubt have come across the Chests scattered throughout the world of Calyx.
However, did you know that there are not only these obvious Chests, but also a lot of hidden, buried Chests?
A complete list of the existing Chests with location and content can be found here.
label_important Knowledgebase label_important Requirements of Terminals
Unlocking the terminals, one of the main quests aside from creating a productive factory,
is imperative to unlocking new technologies and skills.
Which components are necessary for the individual terminal levels can be seen here.
label_important Knowledgebase label_important Requirements of Facility-Doors
Ever stood in front of a locked door?
This will happen to you very often on Calyx.
Normally, the facilities of the past are secured with locked doors.
Which components are required for their opening can be seen here.
label_important Knowledgebase label_important Steam Achievements
Who dosn't like Achievements.
Techtonica containing multiple Achievements, synced with Steam,
if you miss some, here you can see which of them are available.
label_important Knowledgebase label_important FAQ - Frequently asked Questions
Techtonica is a cool Game, but you have so much Questions?
Here you can find a summary of the mainly asked Questions.
Feel free to ask for adding your Question here in our Discord-Server.
label_important Knowledgebase label_important Techtonica Development Roadmap
Techtonica is in Early-Access-State, so there will be many further updates to add new functionalities and features.
Here you find the official Roadmap for the upcoming version.
Please keep in mind, the developers will update this roadmap before every new released version with new details.
label_important Knowledgebase label_important Game Credits
Everyone who has contributed to the development of this great game is honored here.