label_important Nice2Know label_important Belt Balancing
You somewhere heard someting about belt balancing? Manifold, Load Balancing? No?
Here you can dive into the theoretics of how to get your products to your machines in a way you like.
label_important Nice2Know label_important Challenges
You have finished the game, all terminals, freight elevator and also the techtree is fully unlocked, now you need more to do?
Try one of our challenges! If you've done a good job with it, send us your screenshots and save files and maybe your Factory will get ranked here!
Please send Screenshots with a save-file to this mail-adress:
label_important Nice2Know label_important Game Mod's
Searching for a cool mod to get even more out of your Techtonica-Game? Maybe you can find it here.
You have created a cool Techtonica-Mod and would like to present it here?
Please send uas a request including the Mod, a Description, some screenshots and your contact-details at
label_important Nice 2 Know label_important Creative Section
Some Impressions of great Factoryes can be found here!